How Tech in Asia curated its conference programme and delivered the right value to the right audience


How Tech in Asia curated its conference programme and delivered the right value to the right audience


How Tech in Asia curated its conference programme and delivered the right value to the right audience

Event Showreel (11)-min (1)
Tech in Asia
Tech in Asia


Tech in Asia is a media outlet covering Asiaā€™s tech and startup ecosystem. Each year, it organises its flagship Tech in Asia Conference, which brings together stakeholders such as founders, investors, executives and talent to showcase tech breakthroughs, exchange industry insights, share opportunities and build connections.

Tech in Asia Conference 2022 and Unearthed Productions


Having pulled off Tech in Asia Conference 2021 successfully with Unearthed Productions, the Tech in Asia team approached us to partner with them again for Tech in Asia Conference 2022. Held from 21-22 Sep 22 at the Sands Expo & Convention Centre, the conference opened to a sold-out in-person crowd.

For Tech in Asia, the stakes had never been higher. Unlike the 2021 edition, which was fully virtual and free to access, Tech in Asia Conference 2022 was a ticketed event that promised to be an unmissable experience for its audiences. In all, the crowd was treated to more than 30 hours of content.

But how did we help each audience member navigate this sea of information and maximise the value he or she got out of the conference? After all, the audiencesā€™ experience could only be as strong as the value the conference was able to deliver.

Tech in Asia Conference 2022 and Unearthed Productions


Working in close collaboration with Tech in Asia, we identified the audiences who were expected to turn up and their likely behaviours. These insights enabled us to outline how they would interact with the conference and design the event programme around it. The result was a multi-track agenda – consisting of panels, dialogues, workshops and even a competition – that engaged audiences on more than one front.

To support this wealth of content, we built a main stage and a breakout area. But the open concept of the event space meant we could not fully isolate each area and thus risked sound spillage. The success of the conference again rested on the shoulders of the event programme, which was aimed at keeping one session from overpowering the other.

In total, there were 29 sessions led by over 50 experts and thought leaders from Singapore and around the region. The huge scale of the conference inspired us to rethink how we could most effectively bring all of them together. In the end, some joined the conference remotely. But we ensured that they always felt like they were on the same stage as their peers.

We felt like it’s not just a Tech in Asia conference – it’s a Tech in Asia and Unearthed kind of show. So it’s a partnership that I really appreciate.

Kelyn Koh
Events Lead, Tech in Asia



> 4,000

audience members from Asia’s tech and startup ecosystem converged live at the conferenceĀ 


> 6,000

audience members tuned in to the conference remotely



countries reached

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