
The world that we know and love has changed quite a bit in recent memory. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an elevated awareness in terms of sustainability and environmental preservation. At Unearthed Productions, we’re well aware of the need to preserve the world that we know and love – and we play a role by making events virtual.

Our exciting hybrid and virtual event model paves the way for less waste, less pollution, and less city congestion because we allow participants to engage in our events virtually, from anywhere in the world, all without having to leave their home.

And we do it without sacrificing their experience.

We use local wood from downed trees in Singapore for set design and construction.

We repurpose pallets and crates for event props and design components.

We provide bins for waste sorting at event venues.

We ban the use of single-use plastic water bottles at all of our events

We work with conscious community partners to advocate for sustainability in our local communities.

We only work with reliable, responsible, and sustainable suppliers.

We use compostable and biodegradable components for our events.

It’s a never ending list as it should be. Got any ideas on how we can do better?
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